12 year prayer saint bridget

What is 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

The 12 Year Prayer of Saint Bridget is a powerful devotion that involves reciting daily prayers for twelve years. It is named after Saint Bridget of Sweden who, according to tradition, received these prayers from Jesus Christ himself in a vision. The prayers are said to offer immense spiritual benefits, including the remission of sins and the release of souls from purgatory.

How to Pray the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

To pray the 12 Year Prayer of Saint Bridget, you need to recite the following prayers every day for twelve years:
- One Our Father - Seven Hail Marys - One Glory Be - One Apostles' Creed
After reciting these prayers, you need to add the following prayer:
"O Jesus, now I wish to pray the Lord's Prayer seven times in unity with the love with which You sanctified this prayer in Your Heart. Take it from my lips into Your Divine Heart. Improve and complete it so much that it brings as much honor and joy to the Trinity as You granted it on earth with this prayer. May these pour upon Your Holy Humanity in Glorification to Your Painful Wounds and the Precious Blood that You spilled from them."
Repeat this entire sequence of prayers every day for twelve years.

Benefits of Praying the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

Praying the 12 Year Prayer of Saint Bridget is said to offer numerous spiritual benefits, including:
- The remission of sins - The release of souls from purgatory - Increased spiritual growth and awareness - Protection from evil - Strengthening of faith and hope - Increased blessings and graces from God

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I have to pray the 12 Year Prayer of Saint Bridget every day for twelve years, or can I do it all at once?
A: The prayers must be recited daily for twelve years to receive the full spiritual benefits. It is not recommended to try to complete the prayers all at once.
Q: Can I start the 12 Year Prayer of Saint Bridget at any time, or is there a specific date to begin?
A: You can start the prayer at any time, but many people choose to begin on the Feast of the Assumption (August 15th).
Q: Do I have to recite the prayers at a specific time of day?
A: There is no specific time of day that the prayers must be recited, but it is recommended to choose a consistent time each day to make it a habit.


The 12 Year Prayer of Saint Bridget is a powerful devotion that offers immense spiritual benefits. By reciting the prayers daily for twelve years, you can experience increased spiritual growth, protection from evil, and the remission of sins. It is a beautiful way to deepen your relationship with God and honor the legacy of Saint Bridget of Sweden.