Good Conversation Starters for Dating Apps


Have you ever found yourself at a loss for words when trying to start a conversation on a dating app? You're not alone. In fact, studies show that starting and maintaining a conversation on a dating app can be one of the biggest obstacles to finding a successful match. But don't worry, we've got you covered. In this post, we'll provide you with some great conversation starters to help you break the ice and get the conversation flowing.

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First impressions are crucial when it comes to online dating. So, it's important to make sure your opening line is interesting and engaging. One great way to do this is by asking a question. This not only shows that you're interested in getting to know the other person but also gives them an opportunity to share something about themselves. Here are some examples:

1. What's your favorite type of cuisine?

2. Do you have any travel plans coming up?

3. Have you read any good books lately?

Another effective way to start a conversation is by sharing something about yourself. This can help to establish common ground and give the other person an opportunity to respond. Here are some examples:

1. I noticed we both enjoy hiking. Do you have a favorite trail?

2. I love trying new restaurants. Have you been to any good ones lately?

3. I'm a big fan of live music. What kind of music do you enjoy?

It's also important to remember that humor can go a long way in breaking the ice. So, don't be afraid to use a funny opening line. Here are some examples:

1. Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at your profile, everyone else disappears.

2. Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes.

3. On a lazy Sunday: Netflix all day, getting out the house for food, or indulging in some retail therapy?

Remember, the key to a successful conversation is to be genuine and authentic. Don't try to be someone you're not, and always be respectful and kind. By using these conversation starters, you'll be well on your way to finding a great match on your favorite dating app.


Starting a conversation on a dating app can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. By using these conversation starters, you'll be able to break the ice and get the conversation flowing in no time. Whether you choose to ask a question, share something about yourself, or use humor, just remember to be genuine and authentic. Good luck!
